Sunday, March 10, 2013


What would you do your first Saturday in a new country? Travel to another country, right? Well that's what I did.  Maggie told us of a group of exchange students that had bought 15 Euro tickets to Bratislava, Slovakia and were just going for the day to explore the city.

Logical Katja almost didn't go.  And I'm so glad I listened to Carpe Diem Katja instead of Logical Katja.  I remember thinking, "I haven't even been in Vienna for 5 days, why would I leave to go to another place? I'm not even settled here." But Nicole talked me into going, and I'm so glad she did.  We left at 9:30 from Vienna and were in Bratislava a little over an hour later.  I had pretty low expectations for the city, but I was impressed! It was pretty clean, a lot of historic buildings and churches (of course we didn't know much about what we were looking at) but we all enjoyed ourselves! The weather was warm sunny and clear, the perfect weather for discovering a new city. We had a delicious lunch at a Slovak Pub and I had a 70 cent glass of wine (which was actually pretty good) and we saw a gorgeous castle on top of the city with a breathtaking view.

It was a great way for Nicole and me to meet all of the friends that Maggie had made three weeks prior.  We loved the trip and everyone was so friendly and outgoing.  It definitely made me excited to spend a semester with these people.

The amazing view on our hike up to the castle.

Pretty alley-way.  I was trying to be "artsy."

Nicole, me and David looking over Bratislava

Perogies and Wine.  Perfect Lunch.

And a glass of wine on the train home.  Prost!

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